Blue Sky Law is among a few firms in the State of Georgia to handle a Solar Farm closing
Reducing annual taxes? Yes, please!
Blue Sky Law envisions that Solar Farms will be an ongoing way for wealthy individuals and companies to reduce their annual taxes, while simultaneously creating a cash flowing business and helping the environment.
What is a Solar Farm?
A Solar Farm is a large collection of solar panels that absorb energy from the sun, convert it into electricity, and send that electricity to the power grid for distribution and consumption by customers. Solar Farms, which are sometimes referred to as solar parks or photovoltaic power stations, are usually mounted to the ground instead of rooftops and come in all shapes and sizes.
In a cutting-edge transaction, in December of 2021, Ephraim Michael and Scott Minot, both of Blue Sky Law, were lead counsel on the closing of a $10 Million dollar acquisition of a Solar Farm. This is significant because Solar Farm transactions are arduous and complicated, and Blue Sky Law is among a few firms in the State of Georgia to handle a Solar Farm closing.
Congratulations to Ephraim Michael and Scott Minot!
Call Blue Sky Law if you are considering a Solar Farm as an investment.