Milestone Moment: 100% Chiropractic transitions to 100% Chiropractic - Marietta

Industry: Chiropractic services

Type: M&A Sell-Side

About: 100% Chiropractic Midtown  (the “Company”) is a family of full-service wellness clinic located in Atlanta, Georgia that offer cutting-edge chiropractic care, massage therapy, and a full line of supreme quality nutritional supplements.

Situation: The Company engaged Blue Sky Law to help the owner transition the business to another 100% Chiropractic operator - 100% Chiropractic - Marietta. Blue Sky Law worked with the Company to manage the initial offer, diligence process, provide insightful and meaningful legal advice, and negotiated with the buyer’s counsel to ensure a timely, thorough, and complete transaction.

Results: In early 2024 our clients were able to sell their company.

Blue Sky is excited to share this exciting achievement within the chiropractic services industry. Congratulations to 100% Chiropractic on their successful transition! Our dedicated team of lawyers collaborated closely to ensure a timely and supportive process. We look forward to seeing the success of 100% Chiropractic.

Do you need help with your business? Reach out to our team today.


"Growth By Acquisition" -EOx Power Up! Series


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